New rights and political disputes over the right to education. Atlas Network and educational privatization in Latin America




Atlas Network, privatization, networks, education, rew right


This article analyzes the main intervention strategies of Atlas Network’s partner organizations in Latin American educational systems, in order to build a systematized approach to a complex actor that has managed to impact the regional right-wing landscape. In addition to analyzing Atlas’ educational project, three intervention strategies aimed at advancing the educational privatization agenda are discussed: a) promotion of educational markets; b) offering “liberal” educational services; and c) activism in universities. In this way, the capacity of articulation and advocacy of these groups is shown, as well as the importance of building systematized knowledge to strengthen the struggle in defense of the right to education.


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How to Cite

Jarquín Ramírez, M., & Díez-Gutiérrez, E. (2024). New rights and political disputes over the right to education. Atlas Network and educational privatization in Latin America. Tramas Y Redes, (6), 67–83.


