Navigating between domination and empathy

ethical and methodological challenges on migratory research in the Darien Gap




Darien Gap, methodological challenges, power dynamics, criminal governance, migration


This study delves into the ethical and methodological challenges faced when researching the Darién Gap, a pivotal migration corridor in Latin America. Employing an ethnographic lens, it examines how researchers can navigate the interplay of power structures, criminal governance, and the emotions of both themselves and the migrants. The paper confronts the conundrum of ethnographically studying both the migrants and the prevailing powers, taking into account the inherent complexities of dominance in the region.



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How to Cite

Hernández, A., & Ibarra Ramírez, C. S. (2023). Navigating between domination and empathy: ethical and methodological challenges on migratory research in the Darien Gap. Tramas Y Redes, (5), 29–46.


