
convergences and divergences between cuir theory and environmental thought




nature, LGBTI , queer ecology, queer eco-pedagogies, environmental education


Nature is a complex concept, product of the interaction between human beings and their environment. For sexual and gender diversities (SGD), Nature has represented a normative and oppressive device. Through the supposed counter-nature of LGBTI+ bodies, we have been excluded from the natural order within a cis-heteropatriarchal world. Given the above, the SGD have given a new meaning to Nature, where desire, diversity and community, have brought a disruptive potential to imagine and create other ways of being and dwelling in the world. From the crossroads of cuir theory with environmental thought, this article seeks to analyze the intricate relationship between Nature and SGD in order to explore, identify and recognize other ways of being humans in the context of the socio-environmental crisis that afflicts us today.


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How to Cite

Mendizabal Castillo, D., & González Gaudiano, E. J. (2023). Contranatura: convergences and divergences between cuir theory and environmental thought. Tramas Y Redes, (5), 343–359.


