Approach and Scope

Revista Tramas y Redes (ISSN 2796-9096)

Biannual scientific journal (June December) in open access digital format published by CLACSO. Its purpose is to disseminate research in the field of social and human sciences, and the reflections about debates on political-academic and intellectual processes in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The journal publishes original and unprinted articles in Spanish and Portuguese, both official languages of CLACSO. The academic texts to be published include articles in essay format, articles presenting results of empirical research and state of knowledge on a research topic.

Each number will have an editorial (non-refereed) intended for the presentation of the issue, a reflection on one or more of the articles contained in it, or on some current topic; a thematic dossier coordinated by referents who will invite to write contributions, a section in which articles received through an open and permanent call, and that are within CLACSO's priority lines of work and bibliographic reviews will be published. All these texts will be submitted to external evaluation under the double-blind mechanism. In addition, the journal could include a section of interviews with leading figures on a central theme of the academic and social agenda, and an archives section in which key documents on the history of the region will be published, along with articles of specialists analyzing it. Texts and contribution from this sections (Interview and Archives) are evaluated by the journal´s Direction and its Editorial Board.

The journal's editorial line will privilege studies on inequalities, injustices, and violence; racism and ethnic discrimination; migratory processes and human mobility; feminisms and care policies; rights to education, health and the city; rights of the child, the youth and the elderly; on citizen participation and mobilization; democracy, State, Public Policies and social movements; the global environmental crisis; science, technology and society; human rights, peace processes and recent memory; geopolitical processes and South-South or Global South cooperation; capitalist/economic crisis, development, and popular alternatives. Additionally, the journal will publish articles on Latin American and the Caribbean social topics but will also be open to subjects from other geographies, thus promoting the development of a comparative perspective on the topics it covers.

Its contents are available in open access under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International License  in, and in the CLACSO Virtual Libraries Network.