Analyzing the influence of gender institutionalization on gender mainstreaming in states’ responses to COVID-19




gender, mechanisms for the advancement of women, institutionalization of gender, Central America, COVID-19


Inequalities between genders worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women (MAW), through mainstreaming gender in response policies to the pandemic, had the possibility to reduce inequities and mitigate the social crisis’ damage. However, the capacity of the MAW to mainstream gender, we argue, is strongly influenced by the trajectories of gender institutionalization in the countries. Therefore, in this study we analyze the institutionalization of gender in Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador; to associate it with the capacity of the MAW to influence the policy formulation cycle and government management of the pandemic during 2020. We conclude that countries with consolidated institutions achieved greater gender mainstreaming in policies, reducing inequities between genders.


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How to Cite

Tecú, E., & Osorio Figueroa, C. D. (2023). Analyzing the influence of gender institutionalization on gender mainstreaming in states’ responses to COVID-19. Tramas Y Redes, (4), 289–313.


