Geopolitics of integration, a Latin American perspective


  • Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano Universidad de Estocolmo



geopolitics, integration, Latin America, development, regionalism


The objective of this article is to highlight and analyze contributions of Latin American geopolitical thought. In the first place, it will be shown that there is something that can be called Latin American geopolitical thought, with very deep roots reaching the colonial period. This thought is linked, very early, with the new dimension, called geopolitics, with respect to the analysis of the relationship between state, nation, territory and international system. As will be shown in the article, varieties of geopolitical thought emerge in different countries of the region, as well as in different dimensions of analysis. Secondly, we will focus on how, beyond the differences, there are two common elements to highlight in geopolitical thought in the region. On the one hand, the dimension of “development”, and on the other, that of “regional integration”. Two elements that can be considered separately, as well as as a whole, being the “geopolitics of integration” the most important contribution from Latin America.


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How to Cite

Rivarola Puntigliano, A. (2021). Geopolitics of integration, a Latin American perspective. Tramas Y Redes, (1), 49–67.


