Narratives of intersectional inequality in teacher education. Teachers who study and work


  • Ana Magdalena Solís Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



gender, teacher training, interculturality, social inequality, higher education


This document presents an intersectional analysis of educational inequality in the training of female educators from the perspectives of Latin Americanist and Black feminist theories. It unveils the conditions under which teachers pursue higher education in two regions of the country: south of Mexico City and Los Altos in Chiapas. Through sociocultural perspective, autobiographical narrative and in-depth interviews, intersectional theory generated categories on the interweaving of domains of oppression: structural, disciplinary, hegemonic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. These oppressions generate specific conditions for them individually but also collectively. The transversal analytical line reveals the tactics used by teachers to attempt to counteract the effects of domination and inequality within the race/gender/class system.


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How to Cite

Solís, A. M. (2024). Narratives of intersectional inequality in teacher education. Teachers who study and work. Tramas Y Redes, (6), 85–96.


