The Day Chile Parts Ways with the Past


  • Javier Larraín Escuela de Gestión Pública Plurinacional de Bolivia



Salvador Allende, nationalization, socialism


This article adresses Salvador Allende’s July 11th, 1971 speech, on the occasion of the copper nationalization, based on four axes: 1) The enunciation of the thesis of a prolonged and popular struggle of the humble people of Chile that lasted a century and a half; 2) The centrality of the nationalization of copper in the Allende proposal, as a key element for the national liberation and transition to socialism: a disrupted revolution?; 3) Nationalization goes hand in hand with a proposal of true participation in decision making of the proletariat: Social Property Area (SPA); 4) Salvador Allende: president-pedagogue of the masses.


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How to Cite

Larraín, J. (2023). The Day Chile Parts Ways with the Past. Tramas Y Redes, (5), 403–413.


