Reflections on Living Work

Contradictions and Consequences of Contemporary Capitalism and Visions of History


  • Darío Nicolás Moroni Universidad Nacional del Litoral



living labor, development, artificial intelligence, multilinear history


Based on the fundamental categories of Marx’s labor theory of value, we study the dynamics of technological development in contemporary capitalism. Utilizing these theoretical tools, we expose the contradictions that arise within the capitalist mode of production as a consequence of the emergence of artificial intelligence. This allows us to elucidate trends in the development of productive forces in the present, their subsequent alteration of class antagonisms, and the possibilities of transformation in the future. Finally, the theoretical outcome enables us to present a critique of certain crystallizations within traditional Marxism and to uphold the defense of the Multilinear history model.


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How to Cite

Moroni, D. N. (2023). Reflections on Living Work: Contradictions and Consequences of Contemporary Capitalism and Visions of History. Tramas Y Redes, (5), 325–342.


