

Dossier: Past and present of domination and resistance: Democracy, human rights and peace in Latin America and the Caribbean


Isabel Piper Shafir - Universidad de Chile
Carolina Jiménez Martín - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The history of Latin America and the Caribbean has been one of colonialism, interventionism, oppression, and human rights violations. However, at the same time, it has also been a history of struggle for freedom, justice, equity and peace. These permanent tensions between domination and resistance have brought along important confrontations, armed conflicts, and civil wars. The strong will of dominant sectors to maintain the capitalist model and preserve their privileges has produced the persecution of all those people or groups that are considered threats to the established order. In despite of this, the fight for the defense of human rights, the construction of peace and the expansion of democracy have become a bastion of resistance and social action in the region.
During the last five years, reactionary positions have strengthened in some of the region´s governments. These forces threaten democratic developments, question the historical contribution of movements for collective memory, and make difficult the respect and materialization of human rights, among other issues that arise in the region for the consolidation of peace.
In this issue of Tramas y Redes we propose to publish academic production on democracy, human rights, and peace. In particular, we aim to recover the historical perspectives of these struggles, but also to situate the challenges that the region faces due to the strengthening of political and social expressions of the right in Latin America and the world. From a point of view that considers that democracy and peace are not only an ethos but also an end themselves, we aim to reflect about a fair and egalitarian political system that allows us to consider utopian horizons of society. We invite you to send original proposals that may include the following axes:

  • Violations of human rights and their contexts
  • Practices of defense of human rights and resistance to repressive violence
  • Political transitions between dictatorship and representative democracy, and between war or armed conflict and peace
  • New Right and threats to the democratic system
  • Policies and practices of collective memories
  • Current social revolts

The contributions must respect the magazine's approach and the publication guidelines. The dossier's editorial line prioritizes a regional Latin-American and Caribbean point of view.

The dossier will be published on issue 7 of the magazine, in December 2024.

Submission deadline: June 24th, 2024